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NHS March

NHS March

We Own It Protest

We Own It Protest

Union Chapel Concert (with SCC)

Union Chapel Concert (with SCC)

London Rehearsals

London Rehearsals

Carol Singing

Carol Singing

Super Heroes

Super Heroes

The Big Sing (with SCC)

The Big Sing (with SCC)

NHSC Picnic and Protest

NHSC Picnic and Protest

Health Bill Protest

Health Bill Protest

GP At Hand Protest

GP At Hand Protest

Jenny Deacon

Jenny Deacon

Carol Singing

Carol Singing at the Royal London Hospital

Big Xmas Wind and Sing

Big Christmas Wind Orchestra and Choir


London Rehearsals

Our Heath Heroes Awards

Our Heath Heroes Awards

RCGP Awards

RCGP Awards

We Own It Tug of War

We Own It Tug of War

London Rehearsals

London Rehearsals

Super Heroes Filming

Super Heroes Filming

DOH Protest

DOH Protest


London Rehearsals

Socially Distanced Picnic & Singalong

Socially Distanced Picnic & Singalong

Royal London Hospital

Singing at the Royal London Hospital

London Rehearsals

London Rehearsals

Labour NHS Rally

Labour NHS Rally

Ealing Save Our NHS Event

Ealing Save Our NHS Event

RCGP Thank You

RCGP Thank You

Carol Singing

Carol Singing at the Royal London Hospital

Big Christmas Wind Orchestra and Choir

Big Christmas Wind Orchestra and Choir

Super Heroes

Super Heroes Filming

Socially Distanced Picnic

Socially Distanced Picnic

Labour NHS Rally

Labour NHS Rally

NHS March

NHS March

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